Tuesday, August 02, 2005

we dont really see, we perceive .....

Mercury is in retrograde (backwards) now and will be until mid August. Mercury is the planet of communication and when it goes into retrograde it can cause us to experience disruptions in communication.Disruptions create space and space creates doubt.When someone says they’re going to call at a certain time and we don’t hear from them we may second guess if we will hear from them at all. But what we may find later on is that the person got stuck in traffic or a meeting and they actually had every intention of calling. But during that space when we didn’t hear from them, we allow the doubts to kick in.As always, there is a lesson for us to learn from all of this: Don’t make mountains out of mole hills.What this means is that we are bound to misunderstand one another in the coming week. Communications will be jumbled and old issues we thought we put to rest will be resurfacing. We need to strengthen our consciousness so that we don’t let our reactions get blown out of proportion. We need clarity about what is communicating with us right now - the Light or the Opponent?Perhaps you’ve already begun to experience this. Something you heard or read triggered a doubt in your mind. This one little doubt then set off a firestorm of doubts and deeper negative reactions.And that is how the Opponent catches us.A phone message gets lost or WE get lost or someone says something we don’t like and suddenly we’ve been derailed off the spiritual track. All the opponent has to do is whisper a simple doubt into our ears and the domino effect of reactivity begins.As the sages teach, destroy the monster when it’s little. It’s those seemingly insignificant reactive moments that lead to the larger dramas of our lives. Be super aware this week of what’s bugging you and do your best to let it go.When your Opponent comes around to whisper in your ear, remember to say “SHHHH!!”
I am no longer a prisoner of my past—past regrets, earlier traumas, pain and suffering.I believe in miracles and a joy-filled future.I gain the courage to let go!I let go.Of everything.Period.
posted by Justin Thyme at 8:22 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 01, 2005


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