Thursday, December 29, 2005


There is neither male nor female
for u r all one in Christ Jesus

- St Paul in Galatians 3:28

it dont matter if u r black or white

-Michael Jackson

Thursday, August 18, 2005

'HIV+ people are not free at all'

August 18, 2005
Independence means freedom. It means equal rights for everyone. That we are not slaves to anyone. But this is not the reality in our country. There are caste conflicts. The lower castes are not free. HIV+ people are not free at all.
Whatever our religion or caste, we are discriminated. We are not free in our minds. We are not free in reality.
It gives me a feeling of pride to be an Indian. But there are so many shortcomings. Apart from feeling proud of the fact that I am an Indian I am disappointed with most things happening in our country.
The inequalities here are too glaring. The gap between the haves and the have-nots. The gap between literates and illiterates. The gap between various castes. The gap between people of different religions. The gap between different language groups. This is all too much to achieve equality. They say that our country has 'Unity in Diversity' but there is no unity.

G Kumar is HIV+ crusader who says the only way to fight AIDS is for the infected to come out in the open.

Dont be silly
the girl above is not Ganesh Kumar

but she looka lott better than Ganesh

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

evry body has a reason for being here ...

Mission Impossible ...

John Abraham bares for PETA

Bollywood star John Abraham has joined the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals cause.
In the latest PETA ad, John tries to raise awareness about the cruelty involved in the capture, breeding, and caging of birds."Birds aren't meant to learn silly human words or swing in a cage,"

the hunky actor says, holding an empty cage. "They are supposed to roam free in the skies and sing songs for each other."

The ad is shot by John's brother Alan Abraham.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

u cant know Jesus by reading the Bible a 100 times ..

u will not know me
unless i choose to reveal myself to u
- Jesus


bible reading led to Crusades
bible reading made BUSH bomb IRAQ

bible reading made a POPE imprison Galileo for life
bible reading led to burning of woomen deeemed to be witches

they put Joan of Arc to the torch too

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

we dont really see, we perceive .....

Mercury is in retrograde (backwards) now and will be until mid August. Mercury is the planet of communication and when it goes into retrograde it can cause us to experience disruptions in communication.Disruptions create space and space creates doubt.When someone says they’re going to call at a certain time and we don’t hear from them we may second guess if we will hear from them at all. But what we may find later on is that the person got stuck in traffic or a meeting and they actually had every intention of calling. But during that space when we didn’t hear from them, we allow the doubts to kick in.As always, there is a lesson for us to learn from all of this: Don’t make mountains out of mole hills.What this means is that we are bound to misunderstand one another in the coming week. Communications will be jumbled and old issues we thought we put to rest will be resurfacing. We need to strengthen our consciousness so that we don’t let our reactions get blown out of proportion. We need clarity about what is communicating with us right now - the Light or the Opponent?Perhaps you’ve already begun to experience this. Something you heard or read triggered a doubt in your mind. This one little doubt then set off a firestorm of doubts and deeper negative reactions.And that is how the Opponent catches us.A phone message gets lost or WE get lost or someone says something we don’t like and suddenly we’ve been derailed off the spiritual track. All the opponent has to do is whisper a simple doubt into our ears and the domino effect of reactivity begins.As the sages teach, destroy the monster when it’s little. It’s those seemingly insignificant reactive moments that lead to the larger dramas of our lives. Be super aware this week of what’s bugging you and do your best to let it go.When your Opponent comes around to whisper in your ear, remember to say “SHHHH!!”
I am no longer a prisoner of my past—past regrets, earlier traumas, pain and suffering.I believe in miracles and a joy-filled future.I gain the courage to let go!I let go.Of everything.Period.
posted by Justin Thyme at 8:22 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 01, 2005

Monday, August 01, 2005

to forgive is divine ...

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous said...
Two annony mouse board a flight out of Mumbai. One sits in the window seat, the other in the middle seat. Just before take-off, Saby sits in the seat by the aisle. Saby kicks off his shoes, wiggle his toes, and starts to settle in, when the annony mouse in the window seat says, "I think I'll get up and get a coke." "No problem," says Saby, "I'm by the aisle. I'll get it for you." While he's gone, one of the annony mouse picks up Saby's shoe and spits in it. When he returns with the coke, the other annony mouse says, "That looks good, I think I'll have one too." Again, Saby obligingly fetches the drink. While he's gone, the other annoy mouse picks up the other shoe and spits in it. Saby comes back and they all sit back and enjoy the flight. As the plane is landing, however, Saby slips his feet into his shoes and realizes immediately what has happened. "How long must this go on?" he asks the annony mouse. "This fighting? This hatred? This animosity? This spitting in shoes and pissing in cokes?"

i owe dis post to

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Time stood still ....

That moment - just after the previous one, following the next one
- there is a millisecond when the universe is motionless,
when the earth stops spinning,
when the mind calms and stills itself.
And all is good. All was good.

But the noise begins again. Symphony, cacophony ?
At this moment, I wait.

Welcome to my today...

posted by madame x at 2:33 AM

Friday, July 29, 2005

Bloggers of the world UNITE ...

We gotta save dis world, its the only one we have

its time to take over the management of this world
- Michael Jackson prompted
and these guys killed him for silly reasons

We need to book the pollly ticians for their mis demenaours
Lets follow his advice
Lets Make it a better place

For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying

If you care enough
For the living

Make a better place
For you and for me
and the entire human race