Monday, February 20, 2006

stop the world, i wanna get off

STOPPING May Be The Best Way To Get Ahead!
Dr. Gary S. Goodman

There is a very interesting book that I read about a year ago, written by a former priest. It is called, STOPPING. The theme is straight forward. Most of us are so busy rushing from task to task, problem to problem, that we never take the time to fully question the patterns in which we are stuck. So, many feel discontented, somewhat sad and melancholic, without knowing the cause. What we do recognize, at least tacitly, is we are not fulfilled.

The author's suggestion for addressing this problem is STOPPING. In the psychedelic 60's and 70's, it was the third part of Dr. Timothy Leary's prescription to "Turn on, Tune In, and Drop Out."

Taoists say it this way: Practice NOT doing, and everything will fall into place. This isn't easy, if only for the reason that we fear that if our worlds stop spinning, we'll fall off, into a vacuum, into infinite space.

It's like people who live with trains going by so often, that when they go on vacation, they can't relax because there are no trains going by! Perhaps the hardest thing to stop is a life at which we're only marginally successful. With partial success, we have to keep working hard, and against our instincts, to derive minimal rewards.

The once obese exercise nut feels he has to obsessively work out to maintain his new shape; and even a slight relaxing of his discipline will spell disaster.

If he STOPPED, he might get quiet enough to tune into the reason he does anything compulsively, whether it's eating or exercising, and he might hear the inner voice telling him: "You're not good enough, the way you are!"

STOPPED, he might look deeper and realize this isn't his voice at all. It's the voice of a parent, a teacher, a lover or someone else who made him doubt his self-worth, and hooked him on receiving approval from others.

In other words, he might really understand the cycle of despair that he's in, explore it fully, and return to a full calendar of activity that is based on truer wants and needs; ones that he has chosen.

STOPPING, in this sense, may be the best method for getting ahead!

About the Author: Dr. Gary S. Goodman, President of, is a popular keynote speaker, management consultant, and seminar leader and the best-selling author of 12 books, including Reach Out & Sell Someone and Monitoring, Measuring & Managing Customer Service, and the audio program, "The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable," published by Nightingale-Conant. He is a frequent guest on radio and television, worldwide. He is headquartered in Glendale, California, and he can be reached at (818) 243-7338 or at: Article Source:


Anonymous said...

your up so late too bad we aren't talking ,you have so many things to say

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! Minnesota sober houses Fitness weight loss programs

Rhiannon said...

This is how I've felt most of my life and struggled to define myself, not by what others think I should do or how to be "addicted to busy" as I call it..not always easy as many around me find me "odd" or "weird" they say when I just "stop" and go within or look at the sky or meditate I am in the "moment" and I"m surrounded by people who "must" keep running around as they are so uncomfortable with themselves..must always have the tv on the pc running and on the phone and work work work and go to one social event after another..they can't be with themselves..they haven't a clue..who they are!..yet the lecture me who I should be and how I should be like them!

Yes, I'm "odd" according to many but you know what? I like who I am!..:o)because I know who I am and am not afraid to be by myself and be in "stillness" it refreshs me..

I love this post thanks for posting it and I"m very glad I cam upon it to read..this post sure would help many if they read it..
